How to Send E-mail using PIC Microcontroller and ESP8266 ELECTRONICS By Aswinth Raj May 12, 2017 14 Sending Email using ESP8266 and PIC Microcontroller In this tutorial let us learn how to send E-mails from PIC Microcontroller using famous WiFi module the ESP8266 . This tutorial uses PIC16F877A IC and MPLABX and XC8 compiler for programming. At the end of this tutorial you will be able to send E-mail from any normal E-mail ID like Gmail, yahoo etc to any other E-mail ID. Hence this tutorial assumes that you have some basic knowledge on ESP8266-01 Modules and PIC Microcontrollers. If not, the following tutorials will help you Getting Started with ESP8266 Interfacing ESP8266 with PIC So let us get started... Getting ready with you E-mail ID: Once you have decided from which mail ID you want to send the emails, follow the below steps Step 1: Visit https://www.smtp2go.com/ and Sign up as a new user. Enter you...