Generating PWM signals on GPIO pins of PIC Microcontroller EMBEDDED By Aswinth Raj Oct 29, 2018 1 Generating PWM signals on GPIO pins of PIC Microcontroller: Controlling Servo Motor PWM signal generation is a vital tool in every embedded engineers arsenal, they come in very handy for lot of applications like controlling the position of servo motor, switching few power electronic ICs in converters/invertors and even for a simple LED brightness control . In PIC microcontrollers PWM signals can be generated using the Compare, Capture and PWM (CCP) modules by setting the required Registers, we have already learnt how to do that in the PIC PWM tutorial . But there is one considerable drawback with that method. The PIC16F877A can generate PWM signals only on pins RC1 and RC2, if we use the CCP modules. But we might encounter situations, where we need more pins to have PWM functionality. For instance in my case, I want to ...